This challenge was solved by and the write up was written by one of my teammates, NGG.
The task was to factorize an RSA public key, but we knew that the primes were emirps (
This can be done by a simple backtrack algorithm, we try to guess the digits of both primes starting from the outermost.
KT’s note: we found out that they were emirps by factorizing some small public moduluses with Yafu. And we had to factorize only one public key as the cipher text was 129 bytes, but only 1028 bits (started with 08 which is ~4 bits) and the smallest public key which was larger than 1028 bits was the n in the python code (it is ~1029 bits btw).
n = 6528060431134312098979986223024580864611046696815854430382374273411300418237131352745191078493977589108885811759425485490763751348287769344905469074809576433677010568815441304709680418296164156409562517530459274464091661561004894449297362571476259873657346997681362092440259333170797190642839587892066761627543
def t(a, b, k):
# sqrt(n) has 155 digits, so we need to figure out 77 digits on each side
if k == 77:
if a*b == n:
print a, b
for i in xrange(10):
for j in xrange(10):
# we try to guess the last not-already-guessed digits of both primes
a1 = a + i*(10**k) + j*(10**(154-k))
b1 = b + j*(10**k) + i*(10**(154-k))
if a1*b1 > n:
# a1 and b1 are too large
if (a1+(10**(154-k)))*(b1+(10**(154-k))) < n:
# a1 and b1 are too small
if ((a1*b1)%(10**(k+1))) != (n%(10**(k+1))):
# The last digits of a1*b1 (which won't change later) doesn't match n
# this a1 and b1 seem to be a possible match, try to guess remaining digits
t(a1, b1, k+1)
# the primes have odd number of digits (155), so we try all possible middle digits (it simplifies the code)
for i in xrange(10):
t(i*(10**77), i*(10**77), 0)
p = 72432241732033981541049204016745025006867436329489703868293535625696723664804764149457845005290546241606890061226796845022216057745054630401792003744462109
q = 90126444730029710403645054775061222054869762216009860614264509250054875494146740846632769652653539286830798492363476860052054761040294014518933023714223427
And the flag was: