This challenge was solved by and the write up was written by one of my teammates, NGG.
There was a message encrypted with something between RSA and Rabin encryption schemes.
n = p*q = 20313365319875646582924758840260496108941009482470626789052986536609343163264552626895564532307
e = 31415926535897932384
c = m^e % n = 19103602508342401901122269279664114182748999577286972038123073823905007006697188423804611222902
We factorized n with yafu.
p = 123722643358410276082662590855480232574295213977
q = 164184701914508585475304431352949988726937945291
e doesn’t have a modular inverse because it’s even, so first we RSA-decrypted with its “odd part”.
e = 32 * 981747704246810387
RSA-decrypting with e/32 gave that
m^32 % n = 6915497960347690034670190613920812775692185594434656280771177353647840352326299910999240632820
Decrypting it with Rabin 5 times in a row gave several possibilities for m % n.
m % n is one of:
There was an assert in the encryption code that said the length of the flag is 50 (which means 400 bits), but these numbers were around 310 bits only.
We needed to find a multiple of n to add to m%n so that m will be 400 bits, and hex-decoding it gives ‘hitcon{…}’.
We had lower and upper limits because of the needed string’s beginning, we had to brute-force between those values and check if it only contains ascii characters and it ends with ‘}’.
It was too slow, but we could speed up the process by finding one possible multiplier such that it ends with ‘}’, and then try every 256th multipliers only (because those are the ones that start with ‘}’)
Here is the full python code that does the part after decrypting with RSA.
def modular_sqrt(a, p):
if legendre_symbol(a, p) != 1:
return 0
elif a == 0:
return 0
elif p == 2:
return p
elif p % 4 == 3:
return pow(a, (p + 1) / 4, p)
s = p - 1
e = 0
while s % 2 == 0:
s /= 2
e += 1
n = 2
while legendre_symbol(n, p) != -1:
n += 1
x = pow(a, (s + 1) / 2, p)
b = pow(a, s, p)
g = pow(n, s, p)
r = e
while True:
t = b
m = 0
for m in xrange(r):
if t == 1:
t = pow(t, 2, p)
if m == 0:
return x
gs = pow(g, 2 ** (r - m - 1), p)
g = (gs * gs) % p
x = (x * gs) % p
b = (b * g) % p
r = m
def legendre_symbol(a, p):
ls = pow(a, (p - 1) / 2, p)
return -1 if ls == p - 1 else ls
def mul_inv(a, b):
b0 = b
x0, x1 = 0, 1
if b == 1: return 1
while a > 1:
q = a / b
a, b = b, a%b
x0, x1 = x1 - q * x0, x0
if x1 < 0: x1 += b0
return x1
def chinese_remainder(n, a, lena):
p = i = prod = 1; sm = 0
for i in range(lena): prod *= n[i]
for i in range(lena):
p = prod / n[i]
sm += a[i] * mul_inv(p, n[i]) * p
return sm % prod
e = 31415926535897932384L
c = 19103602508342401901122269279664114182748999577286972038123073823905007006697188423804611222902L
p = 123722643358410276082662590855480232574295213977L
q = 164184701914508585475304431352949988726937945291L
n = p*q
pl = 6915497960347690034670190613920812775692185594434656280771177353647840352326299910999240632820L
def f(g):
for x in list(g):
assert(x != 0)
a, b = modular_sqrt(x,p), modular_sqrt(x,q)
if a == 0 or b == 0:
yield chinese_remainder([p,q], [a, b], 2)
yield chinese_remainder([p,q], [p-a, b], 2)
yield chinese_remainder([p,q], [a, q-b], 2)
yield chinese_remainder([p,q], [p-a, q-b], 2)
import binascii
def s(y):
z = '{0:x}'.format(y)
if len(z) % 2:
z = '0'+z
return binascii.unhexlify(z)
l0 = list(f(f(f(f(f([pl]))))))
st = int(binascii.hexlify('hitcon{'+43*'\0'),16)
end = int(binascii.hexlify('hitcon|'+43*'\0'),16)
for u in l0:
print 'U', u
assert(pow(u, e, n) == c)
v = (st//n)*n+u
while v < end:
sv = s(v)
if sv[-1] == '}':
while v < end:
for c2 in sv:
if ord(c2) > 127:
print sv
v += 256*n
sv = s(v)
v += n
The flag was
hitcon{Congratz~~! Let's eat an apple pi <3.14159}